

I’m dr Jen and I’m thrilled to welcome you to my website!

Awesome! Now you can get in touch with me and we will have the opportunity to work together on how to shift your life to a heart-directed life, to find and follow your life purpose, clearing blocks to success and fulfillment, turning weaknesses into your top strengths, turning childhood traumas into your biggest assets, and … much more!!

Great news! You just discovered MAP Coaching Method in that I include elements from some powerful modalities and methods like Reiki, Energy Healing, Tapping, Eye-Movements, Sound and Color Therapy, and others, a truly marvelous and fast healing system that can give you wings in becoming an amazing creator and manifest a dream life!

You’ll be able to experience more harmony, happiness, joy, peace, and more fulfillment in your life!

You’ll be able to live a loving and fulfilling relationship with YOURSELF and others! Even with the tough guys! 🙂 Excited to learn more?

Request Your Free Discovery Call Here!!

How does it feel to imagine being able to create abundance in each area of your life? I know, you can do it! You can create a life you really love! And I’m there to support you. Of course, only if you want to!


Before you go ahead on this site I would like to ask you some important questions.

Do you REALLY desire to fulfill your dreams and create a life you really love and enjoy? 

Are you learning, trying new things, and educating yourself, but nothing seems to bring the desired results?

Are you ONE HUNDRED PERCENT COMMITTED to take action and do whatever is necessary to fulfill your dreams?

However, despite how hard you try something is holding you back. You seem to go in circles and are confronted with life-disturbing recurring experiences and events?

Do you REALLY desire to break out of those cycles of repetition but you don’t know how to do it, and your faith is fading that this is possible?


If you can relate to all or some of those questions, I would love to work with you! I have been successfully helping many clients to get their inner barriers out of the way and move on with their projects, their dreams, and their lives!

This can be you too! If you want to break through and move forward on your path following, we should talk. Right now, I’m offering introductory prices for my coaching packages. Benefit from it and take action! Please, contact me!

After you have filled out the Request Your Free Discovery Call questionnaire, click the link below and schedule your 30 minutes Free Discovery Session to learn about what MAP Coaching can do for you!

Schedule Your Free Discovery Call Now!!